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A frustrating issue appeared on a site I manage, where the related and upsell products appear as the same product.This is directly related to cache, as it appeared as soon as cache gets enabled.

Testing, I find that if I clear the BLOCK_HTML cache, then they work once, then stick to the first product. Clearly a cache issue

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Posted in Magento By lucas van Staden

A task I had to accomplish was to itterate all categories, and disable the categories which had no products enabled, or had no products assigned to them (filtering down the category tree, thus an anchor category, that has children with no products was also to be set disabled, filter all the way up the tree.

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Posted in Magento By lucas van Staden

The magento grid has built in functionality to call an action when a grid row is clicked.

This is great, but at times, you may need to prevent that default event from fireing.

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Posted in Magento By lucas van Staden

Magento Grid Column Renderer

23/05/2013 3:37 pm

Recently I had to create a custom grid column renderer, to display clickable icons in an admin grid column.

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Posted in Magento By lucas van Staden

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