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This week I wanted to add PHPCS Code Sniff to the Buddy.Works deploy Pipeline. I did not want the deploy to fail if any sniffs were found, I simply wanted to have the team emailed with any found sniffs. (for now)

Unfortunately the built in buddy.deploy PHPCS action does not have the ability to email out, and the Email Action cannot attach files. (Buddy support told me they have this feature in their backlog)

I had to come up with my own solution, so here it is....

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Posted in General By Lucas van Staden

This is just an example of how to pull in buddy IP's, and then assign them to an aws_security_group using terraform.

The procedure is not specific to aws_security_group, and can be used for anything that needs CIDR blocks or multiple IPs

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Posted in General By Lucas van Staden

I migrated a magento 1 site to magento 2, and checkout (any theme) immediately failed with error:

Exception #0 (Magento\Framework\Exception\RuntimeException): Type Error occurred when creating object: Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Config, Argument 1 passed to Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Config::__construct() must be of the type array, null given

This post how I debugged/tracked down the issue.

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Posted in Magento By Lucas van Staden

I use vagrant to run multiple docker based environments to reproduce client environments. PHPSTorm has a built in terminal, which you can right click and start a termical session in the folder of the file. The problem I have is that the terminal session is outside vagrant.

The built in vagrant tools don;t work here as I am in  a project folder that exists inside the vagrant file path, so vagrant is OUTSIDE the project

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Posted in General By Lucas van Staden

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